snap up

英 [snæp ʌp] 美 [snæp ʌp]




  1. PHRASAL VERB 抢购,赶紧买下(便宜或心仪之物)
    If you snap something up, you buy it quickly because it is cheap or is just what you want.
    1. Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up...
    2. One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £6.
      一个眼疾手快的收藏家以仅仅 6 英镑的价钱抢到了一副斯基亚帕雷利设计的耳环。


  1. Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up
  2. One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £ 6.
  3. A keen investor may choose to snap up both firms and create a transatlantic brokering powerhouse.
  4. Nike continued to snap up the most popular athletes, including Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and later Tiger Woods, making Reebok seem lame by comparison.
  5. The short-term nature of the sales, for one, creates an incentive to snap up deals quickly.
  6. A junk rating may not be an issue if foreign governments just snap up the bonds in a show of solidarity with Europe.
  7. According to Zheng Bin, director of HR at Baidu, companies in the Internet industry launched earlier campus recruitment campaigns this year in order to snap up fresh talent.
  8. The England football team may have enough money to snap up the latest designer gear, but as their latest photoshoot proves, you can still look a million dollars in a high street suit.
  9. As stocks have slipped in 10 of the past 13 trading days, many investors at the conference said they have used the decline to snap up shares.
  10. Soon, Uranium One began to snap up mining companies with assets in the United States.
  11. It's hard to say whether the investing public will snap up the Guangdong bonds& or shy away due to worries over the province's ability to repay.
  12. At the World's Biggest Coffee Morning, which will take place on the 27th of September, coffee fans will be able to snap up one of the limited edition fragrances.
  13. While it would be tempting from a symbolic point of view to want to make a splash and snap up a whole institution, this would almost certainly be folly.
  14. Mr Tucker also said yesterday that recent market turmoil may present opportunities to snap up rivals.
  15. With stock prices low, they're going to snap up acquisitions the way real estate speculators have been snapping up foreclosed property.
  16. S.investors are venturing across the pond to snap up corporate bonds at cut-rate prices.
  17. Unfortunately, it's all too easy for eavesdroppers to snap up those messages and conversations en route to their intended receiver.
  18. In method one, pass the snap up through the near cheek ring from outside to inside.
  19. I'd snap up his offer if I were you.
  20. When there is a shortage, people will snap up goods.
  21. Pass the snap up through the off cheek ring from inside to outside.
  22. Would they renew or release? Snap up or toss out renewal offers that arrived in the mail?
  23. The first group of users who might snap up the devices are road-warriors in the graphics and design business.
  24. Europeans would be well advised to snap up digital cameras and other gadgets in the Christmas sales this year because Japanese manufacturers intend to raise prices in the new year.
  25. Typically, a buyer will snap up a large number of works by an artist and hoard them, then bid aggressively next time a work by the artist comes up at auction.
  26. Politicians such as Barnaby Joyce, alarmed by Chinese moves to snap up Australian mining assets, have been quick to make a connection.
  27. Chinese groups may find it harder to snap up oil and gas resources as the price of crude oil rises.
  28. Galliani then gave the press a bellyful of answers that confirm the club's will to snap up the star.
  29. But while fans snap up these i-products, people in China are paying for the production procedure with their health.



  1. get hold of or seize quickly and easily
    1. I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale

    Synonym:    snafflegrab